Narcissists are very arrogant and entitled. They feel entitled to your time, energy, money and resources. But then when they've used up everything you have to offer... Or when they think they can do better. They ghost you. They discard you. And the cycle starts again with a new victim. But narcissists have poor judgement. And they often make bad decisions. So sometimes the narcissist will realise that life isn't good without you. It depends on how good of a supply you were for the narcissist. And it also depends on what type of narcissist you were dealing with. If you were their primary or secondary source, their life will not be good without you. But it's not because they love you. It's not because they care about you. They saw you as an object that existed solely to meet their needs. They didn't see you as someone who has an independent existence from them. So when you leave, they feel like they have lost something. They feel like something has been taken away from them. Something that was useful and beneficial. So they're not going to let you go so easily.
They will hoover you. They will lovebomb you. Or they will become threatening and intimidating towards you. But if they were the ones to discard you, they won't see it as though life isn't good without you. They only discard something if it's garbage. If something is wrong with it. If it's useless to them. If they think that you're against them. They don't want you. So they get rid of you. But they might just place you on the shelf for future use. They may have a purpose for you in the future. But when they do that, they don't think life isn't good without you. If they did think that, they wouldn't have placed you on the shelf. But if you are the one that got away, there is a possibility that their life isn't good without you. The power is in the person who discards the narcissist. But that's only if the narcissist notices. If you were already on the shelf when you escaped, they may not have noticed. It may take them some time to realise that you're gone. But when they do notice, their life will not be good. Especially if they try to hoover you and you reject them. Narcissists hate rejection. It's a blow to their ego. It makes them feel unimportant. Does the narcissist ever realise that life isn't good without you? It really depends on the type of narcissist that you're dealing with. Narcissists that have low intelligence and self-awareness will not think life isn't good with you. They will just get very angry. Especially if you reject their hoover attempts. But they're not thinking that life isn't good without you. They will just see you as someone who is very offensive. Someone who has betrayed them. Someone who is deceptive. They will believe that you deserve to be punished. They may make threats. They may become violent. But some narcissists will just see it as though you've made a mistake. You're missing out. And then they will find someone else very quickly. Because in their minds, they are the best thing since sliced bread. And they have plenty of other options. They won't think life isn't good without you.
They won't think they did anything wrong. They won't regret their decision. They will either move on to new supply. Or if they don't have any suitable replacements, they will just be really mad at you. They will see it as though you have betrayed them. But narcissists who have a lot of options may be surprised to see you leave. Because for them, it's very unusual. But they're not going to see it as though life isn't good without you. They will just move on to one of their many other options. They won't feel like they have lost anything. Because they have plenty of other options to choose from. So they will find someone else to replace you. But narcissists who do have some level of intelligence and self awareness will feel like life isn't good without you. Especially if you resist their hoover attempts. They will feel sorry for themselves. They will play the victim. They will feel like it's unfair. They will feel like you abandoned them. And then they will get very angry. But after some time, they will reflect on their exaggerated sense of their own abilities and importance. And then they will find someone else. So while they may initially feel like life isn't good without you. It won't last for a very long time. Unless they're a self-righteous narcissist. Because they think they're good people. They may even think they're empaths. And they will be surprised that you have left them. They will surprised that you don't want to be with them. Because in their minds they did a lot for you.
They expect you to see it as a privilege to be around them. So their life will be miserable without you. And they will feel sorry for themselves. They will play the victim. So that they can gain attention from other people. And still get narcissistic supply. But they will really believe that life isn't good without you. They will feel like the world is against them. They will feel like nothing ever goes right for them. And they will be very upset. But it's not about you. They don't really care about you.
It's just how it pertains to them. It's about how it makes them feel. Narcissists only care about themselves. They're self absorbed and they lack empathy. Even when it may seem like they're upset and they miss you. It's still all about them.