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The Reason Why Narcissists Treat You Like Dirt

Writer's picture: Narc SurvivorNarc Survivor

The narcissist treats you like dirt. They're very rude, unkind, and disrespectful to you. They're very harmful and unpleasant. They bully you. They blame you for their bad behaviour. They gaslight you. They neglect you. They do all of these things without feeling any concern for you. They treat you like dirt. Because they don't think you're going to leave them. They think you love them. They think you accept how they're treating you. And they don't think that what they're doing is that bad. Because in their minds, if it was so bad you would leave.

People will treat you the way you allow them to. If you allow it to happen, it will continue. They will do whatever they think they can get away with. And they will keep coming back to you if you keep letting them back in. Which is why the more time you spend around narcissists and toxic people, the more you start to believe that it's what you deserve. The more you begin to accept it as your idea of love. And the narcissist will do anything they can to convince you that what they're doing is ok. They will tell you that you will never find anyone else who will love you. As though they are as good as it gets for you. As though they are what you deserve.

They will try to convince you that love is pain. Because they enjoy your pain. They will act like they're being cruel to be kind. They will hide things from you and they will say that they didn't want to hurt you. They will break you down until you no longer love yourself. Until you begin to accept this type of treatment. Because you feel that it's what you deserve. And then when you finally find these videos and you realise that what they're doing is unacceptable. And you confront them on it. They don't understand the problem. Because by that point it's become habitual. They're so used to doing it. So they don't understand why you can't accept it. Because they thought you were ok with it.

Which is why they don't expect you to leave. And if you do leave, they will be shocked. They will be unprepared for it. Because you put up with it for so long. So they don't see the problem. They expect you to be used to it. They expect you to see it as normal. Which is why when you do leave, they will be so arrogant. They will tell you that you're not going to find anyone better than them. Because they conditioned you to accept what they were doing to you. They made you believe that you don't deserve anything better. Which is why they don't expect you to leave. But when you do leave, they will be shocked. They will go insane. Because they're not expecting you to leave. They're expecting you to tolerate it. And that is why they get so mad. Because they expected you to be weak.

The narcissist will treat you like dirt. Because they're expecting you to put up with it. They're not expecting you to leave. And leaving a narcissist can be overwhelming. Which is why you must make small amounts of progress towards your goal of leaving them. As it can be a long and difficult process. But it all starts by doing something for yourself. Rather than always doing what the narcissist wants. Because nothing you do will ever be good enough for them. You will never fill that void within them.

They will always be miserable. They will always treat you like dirt, as long as you are around them. They will never be happy. But you can be happy. You can experience fulfilment in your life. And it all starts by doing something for yourself. By making yourself stronger. Because they don't think you're ever going to leave them. So nothing is going to change. They're not going to get better.



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