When you're constantly trying to make the narcissist happy. When you're constantly trying to fix the situation. When you're trying to get validation. When you're trying to get closure from the narcissist. They see you as being weak. They see it as though you lack power and influence. They see you as being gullible. As though you're easily deceived. As though you're easily persuaded to believe something. When you give them money. When you put them on a pedestal. They think you're a fool. They think you're an idiot. They think you're out of your mind. They are laughing at you. They're making fun of you in a cruel way. This is how narcissists view their targets. They see you as being easy to manipulate. You're like a pawn in their game of chess. They use you for their own purpose. Because you're acting out of fears of loneliness or abandonment. You don't want to be alone. Which causes you to act foolishly. It causes you to go above and beyond to meet their expectations and demands. To please them. To make them happy. And that is why they don't respect you. Because if you treat a narcissist like king or a queen, they will treat you like their servant.

If you treat them like a celebrity, they will treat you like a fan. They won't respect you. Because they think that you're weak. Because they know they're not deserving of respect. They know they're not deserving of your admiration and devotion. They know they're not meant to be loved. Which is why when you do that, they will only take advantage of you. They will only string you along. They will deliberately mislead you about their intentions. They will play games with you. Because they know you're going to continue to play the game. They know you're going to chase them. So they sit back and push your buttons. To get reactions out of you. And then you spiral out of control. You get pulled out of your frame. Your particular way of thinking and behaving disappears. Because now you're in their frame. You're chasing the narcissist. Because they know that you don't want to be alone. They know that you want companionship. They know that you want connection. Which is why it's so important for you to value yourself. Because the narcissist has already given you all of the answers. They're telling you how they feel when you give them money. When you try to fix everything. When you give them special treatment. When you try to make them happy. They're telling you. Which is why you need to start focusing on yourself. Stop treating the narcissist as someone who is special and important. Because they're not. What can they do to change your life? What can they do to make your life better? They know they can't do anything to improve your life. And that is why they take advantage of you. But we cannot put all of the blame on the narcissist. We have to look at ourselves. Because they're never going to change. You need to love yourself. You need to put yourself first. Or these types of things will continue to happen to you. They will take your money. Because they know how to manipulate you. It's essential to their survival. They cannot survive without exploiting their targets. But they make you believe that they have something to offer you in return.

They put it ahead of you in the future. While they play games with you. Because they think that you're weak. They think you're a fool. But if you leave the narcissist, they will come running back to you. They will get back in your frame. They will follow your lead. But then they know they can't manipulate you. So then they will give you whatever you want, if they want to keep you around. But when you have a strong desire for something, they will just string you along. They will just play games with you. Because then they think you're weak. So they're not going to have any respect for you. But when the narcissist respects you, they will give you companionship. They will stay loyal to you. Because they know that you have an abundance mindset. They know that you could leave at any moment and find someone else. Because you don't put them on a pedestal. And you love yourself. But when the narcissist is your world. And you have nothing outside of it. They think that you don't have any other options. So they see you as being weak. They see you as a fool. Because then everything is dependent on the narcissist. They have the power in that situation. And a narcissist should never have power. They're too immature. They will only abuse it. They will only use it to make themselves feel important. Which will always be at your expense. Which is why you should never be afraid to leave the narcissist. You need to keep them on edge. You need to make them feel like you could leave at any moment. And find someone who actually wants you. Because narcissists don't really value you. They just want your money, attention and validation. But you can be in control of it. And you should be in control of it. Because otherwise they're just going to think you're dumb. They're going to think you're stupid. They're going to think you lack social intelligence. This is how narcissists view people who have a strong desire for something. Which is why you should never reveal your goals and dreams to a narcissist. You should never chase after their validation. You should never give them money.

Just remember any time that you gave the narcissist what they wanted. Remember how they treated you. It only made them worse. But then the narcissist will leave you for someone who isn't doing anything for them. Someone who doesn't even care about them. Because that person respects themselves. They know the narcissist isn't that important. Which is why the narcissist will do whatever they can for that person. They will do things they never did for you. But when you do things for the narcissist and they haven't earned it. They will take advantage of you. They will manipulate you. They will run you into the ground. And then they will get rid of you. Because they've drained you of your energy, wealth and resources. They chew you up and then they spit you out. Which is why you shouldn't give them money. You shouldn't give them all of your time. Learn to value yourself. Recognise your worth. And then you will realise that you deserve more. You won't choose to stay stuck in a situation that isn't serving you. And you will find something else which is better for you.
Hi my name its Alberto soler from savannah Georgia! I been harras from them every day because they video tape me inside the rooms I used to get angry and I been stop to paid attention to that and not get angry and focus myself,but they still talking in what I am doing inside the rooms at every hotel that I am staying at they never stop watching me inside the rooms how can I stop this please it's iligal what they doing but I am not paid attention and I am trying to Don't lose control of it ,but for how long it's going to be ? It's organization of young black people they been doing this to me…
Congratulations Robert👌🤗 It's definitely a process
Yes Excactly! No contact is the only way to go. Any opportunity to get away from them...take it! I sure did. Call a domestic violence shelter in your area & the police will take you there. I did that 3 yrs ago & never looked back. Good luck to all of you that are suffering with one of those monsters. Plz get outta there. Thank you NS...Peace out..❤🌈💃